Thriving, I nurture
growth – summer solstice pathways
light Welcome Home signs

Annual rituals

Annual rituals and simple practices often bring us calm and comfort, convert lethargy into active outcomes and chaos into organization, generating a greater sense of well-being.  Earlier sunrises and lively bird conversations invite us outside to work our soil, nurture our gardens, weeding out whatever interferes with growth. We use our hands to create and ground our feet in Mother Earth’s richness. We deep clean, declutter, organize and simplify our homes. Our guests enjoy gracious, welcoming environments. Bright, light colors and nature’s scents generate new energy.

Summer 2021 rituals are more important than ever. After a very long year that extracted much energy and positivity, leaving many of us in a state of ‘languishing,’ we need to do a multifaceted cleanse to reseed and nurture our own growth. Sociologist Corey Keys termed languishing in his research—”the neglected middle child of mental health, the void between depression and flourishing, the absence of well-being.” NYTs article.

It’s time to attend to our personal  well-being as urgently as we’ve attended to our physical environments. Nature calls us to contemplate any residual muck residing in our physical, emotional, mental or spiritual selves. For many of us, our bodies need to restore greater muscle, flexibility and aerobic mobility; our minds need new curious, thought destinations; our emotions need a spark of excitement and our stories need new chapters. Spirit wants to reintroduce us to deeper connections of light, love and joy.

Summer Solstice (the longest daylight of the year) arrives June 20—a perfect day to step out of our languishing selves and into our thriving lives. Different cultures honor the day through dance, nature rituals and celebrations of fertility. I invite you to use the long hours of bright light and warmth to sit quietly for a bit in contemplation. Release the haze, malaise and lethargy. Spade, seed and nourish new energies of desire and anticipation. What needs planting, weeding or fertilizing to thrive more strongly?

If you’re languishing, lacking desire, or not stepping toward high functioning practices, call me 612-405-6070. I’ll help you find your sweet spot of desired well-being. It’s time to thrive again.

enJOY, Mary

P.S. June 20 is also Father’s Day. Over one billion is spent on Father’s Day gifts for our country’s 70+ million dads. Consider just giving a heartfelt hug while saying I Love You. Best gift. And Priceless.



Planting a Thriving Well-Being Garden

Take a close look at your garden of Self:

  • What is it you wish to nourish and grow?
  • Do you have the right tools?  Are you ready to get to work?
  • Are your seeds of desire fresh or shriveled and dehydrated?
  • What self-limiting beliefs, thoughts or emotions need weeding?
  • Is your attitude bright & positive or cloudy and negative?
  • How will you feel when you are thriving again?