Marching toward greatness
I plant personal seeds for
vast contribution.

Awakening and anticipating

March (once considered the first month of the Roman calendar) calls us forward with great anticipation and renewed urgency. We take stock of what needs replenishing, restoring and completing.  The freshness in the air generates a stirring desire—one that asks us to awaken from within. Mother Earth’s changes remind us of March’s significance. And our own.

Wind gusts notoriously predict “in like a lion, out like a lamb,” or vice versus; prompting us to breathe deeply during roaring chaos—to exhale gently, completely, to restore calm and peace. March invites us to blow new spirit into dreams, personally arousing us to create and plant new vistas.

Ash trees, daffodils and shamrocks brand March. The noble ash symbolizes strength, resiliency and flexibility. Bright, joyful and reliable daffodils represent rebirth, new beginnings, forgiveness and trust. Beloved shamrocks denote faith, hope, love. A fourth leaf promises luck. March’s symbols serve up one nutritious bowl of inspired opportunity to assist us in marching forward.

Some, however, find themselves lacking energy to march anywhere, much less forward.  Internal cupboards sit empty, bereft of encouraging nutrition and motivation. Paralysis, exhaustion and resistance are the daily supplements. The onslaught of unpredicted winds blew in life events that left many feeling drained, stuck, anxious, frenzied or grief-stricken.

Perhaps you’re one resonating far more with a weeping willow tree than the hardwood ash or the mourning lily than a cheerful daffodil. Poison Ivy is a more fitting metaphor for your life—so many challenging encounters leave you itching for recovery and relief. Just where is celebrated  St. Patrick to help drive the snakes out of your life? At least your insomniac mind.

Regardless of how the winds are blowing for you, what is showing up metaphorically or realistically, March is an ideal month to take peaceful pause. Contemplate what you desire to plant this spring. Complete winter’s unfinished intentions with greater urgency. Chase those saboteur snakes that siphon your positive energy into nonexistence.

I shall raise a toast to you this St. Patrick’s Day. And ALLways! If you’re having trouble toasting your own wellbeing, call me (612-405-6070). I’ll help you march toward your personal greatness.

enJOY, Mary


Use March’s folklore to bring greater contemplation and change into your own life.

  • What do you need to rebirth or re-awaken?
  • What enables or causes you to roar?
  • How can you generate more of lamb’s peacefulness?
  • Where do March’s symbols show up within you?
  • What’s in your cupboard that nourishes wellbeing?
  • What are the St. Patrick’s Day snakes you need to drive away?
  • How can leprechauns’ magical powers help you seed dreams?