Where have you been? I
have yearned for your return; I
come back home—to me.

My rightful place

Did you think it would be easier, more promising—this transition from 2020 to 2021? Or is it exactly what you had expected?

Did you navigate through this first month with hope, trust, desired intention and resiliency to do more? Better? Are you joyfully anticipating a fresh year-end, promising celebration, transformative change, greater movement and accomplishment? Hopefully, you’re still wearing around the inspiration of young Inauguration Poet Amanda Gorman as you don winter’s wardrobe.

Perhaps you’re not in that space—you’re still shaking off last year’s hang-over, loading up daily on guaranteed energy-boosting, variety vitamins. You find yourself escaping drudgery through deep, lethargic naps and robotic self-help reads. Maybe frequent  thoughts of shockingly ice-cold polar plunges sing to you while you’re in the shower. Hot water and lovely organic soaps can’t cut the grime, scrub away last year’s residual muck that still saturates your heart and soul.

Or, maybe you’re in both places—having an up day, able to stay focused and in flow, joyfully immersed in completing the work of the present. Out of nowhere comes a down day, off you’re A-game. Doubt, worry and preoccupation are your entry points into the future; haunting, painful stories and fears you thought you had released keep resurfacing, anchoring you into a place you never wanted to revisit.

Our stories always begin with some sense of place. Place gently reminds us of our shared commonality: we’ve all either been there, visited somewhere near there, yearn to return or worked damn hard to move far, far away, in search of something better. We recognize the signs, the obstacles in the way, the feeling of being alone, confused or lost at the fork in the road and the relief and joy at finally arriving.

As you contemplate how your 2021 is rolling out, give some thought to your sense of place. Is it unpredictable or relatively steady? Are you content with how it’s impacting your day to day energy, attitudinal choices, emotional responses and the stories you tell—to yourself, to others?

Find your rightful, authentic place. You deserve to feel at home. Safely. Assuredly. Peacefully.  I’m happy to help you with that—ALLways.

enJOY, Mary


My Rightful Place

Ask yourself, how does my current place:

  • Inspire or incite my emotions
  • Construct or interfere with optimal choices
  • Enhance or limit my potential
  • Support or subdue my desires
  • Encourage or stifle meaningful relationships
  • Nourish or  deplete my well being
  • Hearten me to have and tell more joyful stories